Dear Target, Where are my 4 pages?!

I went to Target recently to buy a composition notebook required for class. Per the syllabus, we were to number the right hand pages only. This seemed like a rather simple task. It was until I found out Target ripped me off!

It clearly says “100 sheets / 200 pages.” So I started to number the pages one by one until I got to the end….

Ok, so I know what you’re thinking: “You totally don’t know how to count. Probably messed up counting like an idiot.”

I thought so too. So I recounted.


Then counted again.


Then I counted half the pages until I got to the binding and multiplied by two just in case I’m a real idiot.

Guess what? Still 96.


Target, where are my four pages?!

This false advertising thing can get real bad, real fast. All over 4 pages in a notebook! I know cuz DisneyDork’s a lawyer and she’ll vouch for me!

I decided to see what dumb country this thing was made in:

… My own country ripped me off of four pages. Apparently, we can’t even count to 100.

I thought it was a fluke so I counted another notebook. Nope. Still 96. WTH?!

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