Netflix double-take.

So I was perusing movies and shows to watch on Netflix and came across a couple of movies I thought I recognized.

You thought you saw something you recognized, didn’t you? 

Nope! Fooled me too.

I decided to click and see what they were about. Who knows? Might be even better than the real movies!

Netflix, thank you for explaining that it’s a “lower-budget alternative” to the Disney movie. I’m sure you just put that there so you don’t get angry calls from people expecting the Disney version.

I would have given the movie a chance, but you make the description sound terrible. Basically, you’re telling me it’s a cheap-o version of a good Disney movie where the girl looks for her husband so she doesn’t end up broke poor. In vain.

Let me look that up on Merriam-Webster for you:

So you mean to tell me, this girl is essentially a gold-digger, looking for a guy so she can have her money, and she FAILS?

Seriously. Who is going to watch this?!

Also, “Not every frog turns out to be a prince!”

Thanks for spoiling it. I guess the frog doesn’t turn into a prince in this one.

But wait! There’s another one!

Thanks again for reminding me it’s unrelated to the Disney film. Unfortunately, your picture looks a lot like the one from Up! Can’t blame people for thinking it’s that one movie.

I feel betrayed. Kind of like “the cake is a lie” thing.